My episode recap:
Where do I start? From the beginning!
I wasn't a fan of Elena's reaction to finding out about Damon's return. "
I don't want to see him!" Really? That was the reaction? No mixed emotion, just plain aloofness.
Let me just say, if I were Elena's friends, I would have had Alaric bring her memories back - against her will. Why? Because like Alaric said, Elena NEVER would have done it if she thought there was even a chance that he could come back! As Damon said: "A full mind erase, who does that??" Well said Damon, well said.
Damon was so cute in this episode when he got to talk to Elena on the phone - he was like a schoolboy.
As for how Damon reacts to Liam - I hope we don't see him rip off the rails. He seems different now so I hope he thinks before he does anything crazy. We've been there, done that. Don't need to go there again. Let's not recycle old stuff.
The call to Bonnie - I thought it was a nice gesture, maybe a little over the top as far as Bamon convos go. I think the "hear your voice" was kind of strange, but the "I kinda miss you a little" was spot on for something he would say. I think this is going to lead into how someone finds out about Bonnie. Jeremy beat himself up over not remembering her pin so he could cancel her phone. I bet he is going to remember it finally and then he'll go through the messages and hear Damon's.
Sarah and Matt - I kind of spaced out during their scenes. Don't really care until I find out what her purpose is. She is going to find out that Damon killed her mother (once again he's the bad guy) and all other connections she has to the Salvatores so that will open up a can of worms.
The rescue - why did they have to go so close to the border? I know it is so we came to be where we are, but in real life, do you think they would have thought maybe a mile down the street?
Trip - well, he got away, so this ain't over yet...
Alaric being human - At first, I was not feeling this, but now it makes sense as far as his character goes. He always hated vampires for what they did to the women he loved, and he was having a tough time being one. I am disappointed that he didn't use his Enhanced Original powers more often. Seriously, he was the most powerful vampire ever, I wish we would have seen him put it to use other than erasing Elena's memories. Have a little fun Ric! Not to mention, he could have softened the memories, or altered her dreams or put her in a hypnotic state of some sort, but full on erasing them?
Jo - She is going to be the missing piece to bringing Bonnie back and/or releasing the spell on Mystic Falls.
Steroline - I'm over Stephan and his attitude towards everything. Now that Damon is back, he can start being nice to his friends again, namely Carolyn. I enjoyed that she didn't just crumble when he said let's just be friends. Good for her for just walking away, now he'll have to chase the girl (if he wants her).
Next week's previews - Why is Damon the bad guy? He just wants his girl back!!